On the Highway

May 18, 2016. Busy day today. Started with a presentation to the Canada School of Public Service Moodle Connect conference, in Gatineau. It's also my mother's 80th birthday so Andrea and I bought her a nice bouquet of flowers and drove up the road to Embrun to surprise her. Well of course they weren't home - I hope they get back in time to find the flowers before they wilt (at the very least she gets a card and a nice vase out of it). Note that I don't celebrate birthdays at all, so this is something special. Then it was on to the highway back to Montreal to catch a flight back to Moncton (*so* much nicer being able to just zip to Montreal for a flight - Casselman was a well-chosen new home). This is the view across the highway from Herb's Travel Plaza on Tannery Road, at the Vankleek Hill exit. Accomplishments: - presentaation slides created and audio recording made - gift for my mother From Flickr http://ift.tt/1W4D9lJ


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