
Showing posts from January, 2011

You Pull For Me

An all YouTube set I put together for #ds109. DJDownes 31Jan2011 Sources: - Via Rail Canadian - The Mission , Ennio Morricone - Lt Gen Romeo Dallaire - Sorcerer: Betrayal , Tangerine Dream - Canadian Army in Heavy Firefight in Afghanistan - The Life is the Red Wagon , Presteign Heights School - Something Hopeful , Jon Coleman - Liberation! Immediate Music - Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out , Jimmy Cox - How To Be Alone , Andrea Dorfman and Tanya Davis - Gabriel's Oboe , The Mission, Ennio Morricone

Music Radical

So here is the audio I created and posted in for ds106 - I'm not sure what the actual week 2 assignment was, exactly, but this will do for mine. Also, here is what I wrote as I explored the mechanics behind #ds106 radio . Great stuff. musicradical The audio is from my talk in Saskatchwan in 2005. The background audio is from J urassic Plark slowed 1000 times, and Kendra Springer, Hope .

Wii Hockey

Click to play After all those serious videos, I thought ds106 participants might want to relax with a hockey game. This is a game I played on the Wii last night. I am playing as a Colorado Avalanche player, Vaclav Pavlikowski, and we are visiting the Vancouver Canucks. It's being played at the highest difficulty setting, so the action is fast-paced and entertaining. And I think it fits the week 1 assignment for #ds106 (except, of course, for the 30 second time limit - this one runs 20 minutes (and took 3 hours to upload at 60K per second - way to go Rogers cable internet)). Enjoy.

Snow Day

Video: Click to play Here's the week 1 assignment for #ds106 . You'll notice that I managed to keep to the 30 second time limit and still tell a nice story. Unlike some . :p I shot the video in one take on my old FlipCam, opened the .avi in Premiere Elements and trimmed the 45 second clip back to 30 seconds.

Halifax 2011

Halifax , originally uploaded by Stephen Downes . Enjoying a snow-free News Years Day in Halifax. Here's the full set .