La douleur exquise

So here's my response to Alan Levine's newest ds106 assignment . I felt honour-bound to go with the first non-translatable word or phrase, whatever it was. It turned out, it wasn't so non-translatable at all - with the right image. Click on the image for the full size version. Here's the assignment as it appeared: What I like about the resulting artwork (if I say so myself) is that it takes the word, associates it with a well-known celebrity, defines the word, and then - with a bit of a sucker punch - suggests that the inattainability is brought to you by the perfume - in turn a bit of a commentary on the Nicole Kidman Chanel ads themselves. And, if nothing else, it's a beautiful solution to Levine's assignment. You might ask, what about the Creative Commons licensing and all that. I think my use of these images falls very much within the bounds of fair dealing - it's a derivative work, it's used for educational purposes, it makes social co...