La douleur exquise

So here's my response to Alan Levine's newest ds106 assignment. I felt honour-bound to go with the first non-translatable word or phrase, whatever it was. It turned out, it wasn't so non-translatable at all - with the right image. Click on the image for the full size version.

Here's the assignment as it appeared:

What I like about the resulting artwork (if I say so myself) is that it takes the word, associates it with a well-known celebrity, defines the word, and then - with a bit of a sucker punch - suggests that the inattainability is brought to you by the perfume - in turn a bit of a commentary on the Nicole Kidman Chanel ads themselves. And, if nothing else, it's a beautiful solution to Levine's assignment.

You might ask, what about the Creative Commons licensing and all that. I think my use of these images falls very much within the bounds of fair dealing - it's a derivative work, it's used for educational purposes, it makes social commentary, I earn nada from it, and I do not impact on the earnings of anyone else. I'm not going to run this disclaimer every time - I shouldn't have to - fair dealing is my right, and I'm exercising it.


  1. Well done Stephen, and screw the lawyers, this is great derivative art! Thanks for doing the assignment.

  2. Let's just say your idea of La douleur exquise and mine don't see eye to eye. Antonio Banderas has my vote!
    Ya think it might be a gender thing (duh!).

    Good one and three cheers for exercising your fair dealing rights~


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