May 16, 2021. It was a beautiful warm sunny Saturday, perfect for a bike ride. I thought I might visit family; there was no answer when I called so I figured I'd swing around Russell and see if they were in on the way back. I never made it past Russell; a big black pickup squeezed me toward the curb right in the centre of town and then my front wheel fell straight down into a gap in a sewer, flipping me and pinning me to the road. My leg was bad enough and I was stunned enough to require an ambulance ride to Ottawa General, but the x-rays turned out negative and I took an Uber home. That was my day, but I will say, my experience renewed my confidence in the health care system. I've had zero experience in the past with our whole system of trauma response, and am not looking forward to a repeat, but this was uniformly high-quality expert care. It could have been so much worse. An hour of so earlier, I stopped on the highway to photograph this piece of farm equipment; as I stood ...