
Showing posts from July, 2024

Lansdowne Park

July 19, 2024. Looking at the back of the stands at Lansdowne Park in Ottawa. We were there for the RedBlacks game (which we won!). I worked from home today, and after work set up the bicycle for my trip starting tomorrow. Here's the set-up video and if you want to follow my trip as I upload more videos, here's the playlist .

Office Farming

July 17, 2024. This is the latest photo of my self-starting potato in my office. I've given it some dirt and lots of water. I'll be away for a couple of weeks so who knows whether it will make it. But I'm giving it the best chance.

Rideau Street

July 14, 2024. This is Rideau Street at the Bay. It was so hot we went mall walking instead of hiking, bought some essential stuff, and stayed cool.

St. Lawrence

July 13, 2024. This is the St. Lawrence River near the Long Sault parkway. It was a bright brilliant and very hot day today, and because people were driving so badly I decided to stick to off-road bicycle trails, so I went from the Lost Villages memorial to Upper Canada Village and back, roughly 50 km.


July 12, 2024. We drove home from Tremblant today, sadly. But we were back early enough that I could get out for a short ride. This is a fenceline I see every time I do the St. Albert loop.

Riviere Rouge

July 11, 2024. This is the Riviere Rouge at Brebuf, which I finally visited by bicycle. That wan't my plan, but there was a lot of construction on the P'tit Train du Nord trail between Tremblant and Labelle, so I took an alternate - and much longer, and much hillier - route back. Almost 70 km, but more importantly, about 400 m elevation gain.

A Little Patch of Paradise

July 9, 2024. A small pond reflects this dense forest along the P'tit Train du Nord trail near Mont Blanc. Woke up not feeling well, so I stayed in for a bit while Andrea started up the mountain. Felt well enough to do 40 km down the trail and back east of Tremblant. Felt better in the evening.


July 8, 2024. A butterfy in the grass, maybe a cabbage white. Today was spent getting ready and then travelling to Mont Tremblant. This photo was taken as we waited for the ferry at the Ottawa River.

Pine Grove South

July 7, 2024. Pine Grove Forest south, in Ottawa's greenbelt (trail 45). Lots of bugs. Medium dense forest, in lush green with blue sky showing through the leaves. A large tree trunk to the left, and white and orange flowers in the foreground. Forest is mostly pine with a mix of birch and maple.


July 6, 2024. Over the last few weeks I've been making curries. I'll make a few day's worth and then have it with salmon. Today we got scallions in the Odd Bunch veggie shipment, so I added those on top. Pictured here is a cauliflower and eggplant curry on top of a serving of salmon with the scallions. So delicious!

Paper Lantern

July 5, 2024. This is a paper lantern ina tree along the fenceline at the Starbucks on Ogilvie Road near where I worked. I stopped there for coffee after lunch. Worked in the city all day - more progress on CList (and learning a lot about Javascript) and then visited Mum and Bernie after work; they appear to be doing OK.


July 4, 2024. This is a robin on the gazebo in the back yard, in low light in the evening. I working in the city today, mostly on CList, but I also had to go downtown for dental imaging. While there I popped into the camera store and bought a 2x extender. It doesn't work on the 24x200 but it does work on the 180-600 telephoto, which gives me ridiculous magnification. I tried it out on the monopod in my office (no way I can hold it steady by hand) and took this low-light photo.


July 2, 2024. Like the title says; it's a lily. Rest day today, worked from the home office working on CList and doing some reading.

Bird Antics

June 30, 2024. Some birds frolicking in a tree not far from the walkway in Warwick Forest. We went for a nice walk, my heel hurt again, but we still went to the football game in the evening.